Posted by : kupukupu July 15, 2013

Jengjeeeng.. balik lagi gueee h4h4h4 XDD /wtf Oh to the point aja as usual wkwk, Kali ini gw mau ngasih review buat kalian2 yg baru mau jadi animalia, eh animelova atau emang udah pecinta anime tapi bingung mau nonton anime apa.. disini daku beri review anime yg worth untuk ditonton! hwhwhw ;A; cekidot ah.


Title(s): Shingeki no Kyojin
Вторжение Гигантов
진격의 거인
Advancing Giants
Attack of the Giants
Attack of the Titans
Attack on Titan
El Ataque de los Titanes
L'attacco dei Giganti
L'attaque des Titans
Creator(s): Isayama Hajime
Official Website(s): Tipi lawan titan
Wikia SnK resmi
Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mature, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural, Tragedy
Start Date: 2009
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by giants. Giants are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest of giants.

Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a giant in over 100 years. Teenage boy Eren and his foster sister Mikasa witness something horrific as one of the city walls is damaged by a 60 meter giant causing a breach in the wall. As the smaller giants flood the city, the two kids watch in horror as Eren's mother is eaten alive.Unable to save her , Eren vows that he will wipe out every single giant and take revenge for all of mankind.

Won the 35th Kodansha Manga Award for Best Shounen Manga.


Yuk simak reviewnya XDD

Anime Spring 2013 satu ini sengaja gw review pertama demi mengundang para titania titania pecinta titan biar interested sama artikel ini xDD /? 
Dari point of view gw, disaat pertama kali anime ini muncul, meh was so curious.. yagaksi? Manusia lawan Titan yang obviously mustahil untuk dimenangkan oleh pihak manusia.yaa bisa lo pikirin lawan makhluk yang tingginya lebih tinggi 5m bahkan lebih dari lo... imma scared to [un]death[d].. xD /? 
Bener2 deh.. Shingeki no Kyojin menurut gw mengandung rasa curiousity ultra tinggi(?) diantara list anime Spring 2013 lalu dimana saat itu (sampai sekarang) anime2 selalu ngutamain fanservice dibandingkan storynya ~_~ Shingeki no Kyojin malah gak munculin fanservice sama sekali.. bahkan Heroine nya pun perempuan berotot -_-'  Tapi bukan cuma karena itu gw nonton ni anime.. Kelihatannya storylinenya yakin bagus //feeling xDD
TAPI semua high expectations gw terhadap anime ini luntur ketika tau bahwa anime ini ujungnya bakal jadi TITAN LAWAN TITAN.. bukan MANUSIA LAWAN TITAN.

 ya.. setelah dilemparin spoiler ama wibu yang udah baca manganya dan tau bahwa adanya TITAN SHIFTER seperti eren yang bisa ngerubah dirinya jadi titan untuk lawan titan lain... yaa meskipun gw yakin gak semua titan shifter fully controllable pas shift jadi titan.. Maaf tapi gw cuma liat animenya, iman gw cukup kuat untuk gak nyomot spoilernya di manga xDD

High expectations.. Overall, diatas rata2 baik dari storyline, characters. Music & Graphic standard laah.. wkwkw. ah ngomong2 tentang expressions chara2nya dahsyat abez XDD ketakutan, kengerian, dan perasaan negatif campur jadi satu, terlihat sekali di wajah mereka h4h4h4 XD
Udah satu dulu.. biar penasaran, nanti dibikin lagi xDD

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